M&T Marquees of Cambridge
Bookings are accepted subject to availability of stock on receipt of 25% deposit or alternative agreed amount with the company. The balance to be strictly paid upon completion of erection unless otherwise agreed in writing from the company. Cheques should be made payable to Mr M Free. If payment is not met on completion of erection, the company has full right to dismantle and remove all equipment from the site and make charges to the hirer for all costs incurred.
In the event of the hirer cancelling more than 14 days prior to a function the company reserves the right to keep deposit of 25%. In the event of cancellation within 14 days of function the company has right to charge 50% of total order value to hirer. If cancellation within 7 days of function the company has right to charge hirer 100% of the order value.
It is the hirer's responsibility to clearly mark any underground cables, pipes,
gas or water mains, drains or any such items that could be damaged while erecting
the marquees.
The company do not accept responsibility for any damage and cultivation to the site
caused by the erection of the marquee or vehicles used to carry out the work. Some
damage to the site will inevitably be caused by the equipment and/ or vehicles and
the company shall have no liability to the hirer in respect of such damage.
There is no smoking in our marquees..
It should be understood that a marquee is only intended as a temporary structure and to a certain degree will not safeguard fully against all weather conditions.
Any owners or planning permissions required before the erection of the marquee and the installation of furniture and any other sundry equipment shall be obtained by the hirer and deemed as obtained by the company.
The Company may increase its charges above those given in any quotation to take into account the following; Sites that are not flat even ground, Unsuitable or obstructed access to site for company motor vehicles, Waiting time for access or exit of site, Waiting time for payment, Extra materials sundries added to job on day of erection.
The hirer irrevocably authorises the company to enter onto the site in order to erect, and then to take down and collect the equipment. Should the hirer wish to extend the hire period this must be first agreed with the company. Any additional days hire will be charged at 10% per day. The hirer shall satisfy him/herself as to the condition of the equipment supplied at the time of acceptance. Any product concerns or requests for alternative products will be charged once the company has left the site. The Hirer shall ensure that the marquees will be cleared prior to dismantling. All carpets / flooring supplied to be cleaned down prior to collection.
The hirer shall be liable for the cost of any damage or any theft and losses also any loss of business due directly to damage or theft while on the hirer's property. The company recommend the hirer takes sufficient insurance cover for the equipment whilst on the hirer's premises. The hirer shall at all times indemnify the company in respect of all claims by any person whatsoever for injury to person or property caused by, or in connection with, or arising out of, the use of the equipment, and in respect of all costs and charges in connection therewith. The company will endeavour to fulfil every contract. However, the company will not be responsible in any circumstances accept liability for non fulfilment of any order it is prevented from carrying out by reason of Fire, Theft, Flood, Labour, or political disturbance, equipment or mechanical breakdown, act of God or any circumstances beyond its control.